Friday, December 20, 2019

Questions on Sexual Orientation - 1244 Words

Ed Discussion Questions 1. First, how would you give a biological definition of sex? Give your own definition and what you think it means in the context of society. To me, the biological definition of sex would be contact between the genitalia of one person and any body part of another person if the purpose of that contact is sexual arousal or satisfaction for one or both of the people involved. I would define heterosexual sexual intercourse more specifically to be vaginal penetration by a penis, homosexual male sexual intercourse to be anal penetration by a penis, and homosexual female sexual intercourse to be cunnilingus or vaginal penetration by a body part other than a penis. I think the fact that my initial thought was that sex was vaginal/penile contact between a heterosexual couple reflects the hetero-normative society in which we live. 2. How do you believe the sexual revolution and counter-revolution, has influenced the events taking place in this class? Support your statements with examples (textbook or other source). Make sure you properly cite them. The sexual revolution made it possible for people to discuss sexuality, birth control, and abortions in a class setting. It also made it possible for girls to feel comfortable discussing their sexuality in a way that is really unprecedented in Western history. However, there has been a tremendous backlash against the counter-revolution, which has been a major contributing factor to this countrys debateShow MoreRelatedGay And Lesbian Demographics : Questions About Sexual Orientation2938 Words   |  12 Pagescounts between 1990 and 2000. The Census Bureau asks no questions about sexual orientation, so same sex, unmarried partners were counted differently and more accurately in 2000. 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